Tag: profession

We cure He heals… If He wants to!

As a doctor, you always dream of handling an emergency in the swiftest way, saving the day and becoming a hero. Yet when you face it, you wish your suspicion and diagnosis be wrong, and everyone just makes it out alive! That is the only thought that ran across my mind that moment.

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Another drop of alcohol based sanitiser over the palm of double layered gloved hands… The gloves had been stinking of strong alcohol odour now. Alas! this inhaled amount would not intoxicate you or all the Health care Workers would have a gala time battling COVID.

Continue Reading LIFE INSIDE PPE


The young doctor had always heard something which he found hard to believe in present scenarios that,”Patient is God.” That lady… That patient on ICU Bed No 3, that patient was God.

Continue Reading LADY WITH A SMILE


There always happen to be two facets of curing the patient. Treating the diagnosis and treating the patient. Yes, they are two separate entities for many a times the latter remains out of our sight. The objectivity of the former complements the subjectivity of the latter. And a job of a doctor is incomplete without realising both facets.

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