Category: life


It is important to know that stress is a part of human existence. But it is all the more necessary to understand that it is a double edged sword. As per the Stress model of Hans Selye, it is an optimum amount of stress that will drive you to your goal but an extra amount of stress shall incapacitate you. And what we notice now-a-days is extra of everything. 

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“She should die… sooner!”

She boasted of being a doctor and the lady had presented as a patient, yet today, they reeled on the same boat – a boat of hopelessness and helplessness…. carrying a whole nation.

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What is the most encouraging thing you ever heard for yourself? A simple subtle question yet thought provoking and a human mind generally avoids taking this thought provoking stroll about life. The answers to such questions do not lie in the large ocean of occurrences your life is, but in the little grains of sand that rest on the shore… to be occasionally touched by the ocean.

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And that is a well known fact about human nature- we don’t care unless it happens to us or someone we care about. Please remember- It might not affect you the way it will affect those you infect and those can very well be your loved ones.

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